Exactly one year ago from today was my blog launch. Happy birthday to my blog! :)
"Your life unfolds in proportion to your courage."
I can’t believe its only been a year since I launched my blog. This past year definitely flew by.
My blog is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life, that’s for sure. It has helped me grow tremendously, and has presented me so many opportunities I never knew possible. I used to doubt myself; I was scared to make mistakes and had my own insecurities. However, I learned to just go for my passion and be true to myself during the process. Next thing I know, I was growing with my blog through persistence and hard work, and what really pushed me was all the wonderful support. I’m incredibly humbled, and I’m thankful every single day for each blessing that came my way. I’m also grateful for all the different brands, agencies and photographers that I got to work with. Its been one hell of an amazing year and I look forward to another great year ahead :)
Cheers! xx
Hat by Forever 21 / Dress by In The Style UK / Coat by 2020ave / Shoes by Simmi Shoes / Backpack by Brandon Blackwood